Rug Tufting Image Guidelines

We're excited to help you create your very own tufted masterpiece. To ensure the best quality and experience for your upcoming rug tufting workshop, we have some guidelines that we ask you to follow. Please read the following guidelines carefully before submitting your images.

Simplicity is Key.

Choose an image with bold lines and simple shapes.

Avoid intricate details and tiny elements, as they may not translate well into tufted rugs.

Ideal images include basic patterns, geometric shapes, or simple silhouettes.


Example 1

Example 2

Example 4

Example 3

Size Specifications

Ensure the design occupies the full space for a clear and well-defined tufted rug

  • Submit your image in a high-resolution format. We recommend PNG or JPEG files for the best quality.
  • Images must be at least 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels tall.
  • Your image should fit within a 40cm x 40cm canvas.
  • We accept JPEG, PNG, and GIF formats.


Colour Choices

While we encourage creativity, keep in mind that fewer colors can often lead to a more striking final product. Choose up to 4-5 colours for your design to ensure vibrancy and clarity.
